Hotel Workers

About Us

Justice on the Job and Service to the Community

That is the motto of the IAM.

We’re a union that believes that there’s more to life than just work.

Based on the values of respect, dignity, and fairness, we are committed to building better workplaces, better communities, and better lives. This commitment underlines how we negotiate solid contracts on your behalf. We try, where possible, to create positive relationships with employers, while seeking fair pay and good benefits for your hard work.

We get you what you need, without risking what you already have.

Welcome to IAM, a union committed to helping you get the most out of every day.

Why choose IAM?

Our professional representatives and highly trained stewards back you up in your workplace. We are there to answer your questions, help you when problems arise at work, and advocate on your behalf.

Our representatives also help negotiate contracts that make sure you are fairly compensated for your work. But good representation, fair wages, and reasonable hours are only one part of the story. We also consider what you need to succeed in your life outside of work.

That’s why we offer:

  • Safety & skills training
  • Job security
  • Health plans
  • Retirement savings plans
  • Grievance procedure
  • Bereavement benefits
  • Member discount program
  • Scholarships

IAM Education Opportunities

IAM is the only union in North America with an education facility dedicated full-time to the education of its members.

The William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center embodies our commitment to providing top-notch training to the current and future leaders of IAM to help our members navigate the rapidly changing world of work.

At the Winpisinger Center, members gain the leadership, negotiating, and organizing skills to effectively address workplace issues, while learning how to advocate for economic and social justice in their jobs and in the community-at-large.

The William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Maryland

Contact IAM

Take the next step for a better work life.


Speak directly with our union-organizers by email, phone, or text.

Scott Jackson

Roy Bhansingh

Health Care Workers
Hotel Workers
IAM Local Lodge 1295

Local Lodge 1295 is a member of IAM District 78 which represents workers across Ontario.

1295 Members
IAM District 78

557 Dixon Road
Toronto, Ontario
M9W 6K1


Ottawa Office

1902 Robertson Road
Ottawa, Ontario
K2H 5B8
